



« ScottishECML | Projects | Southend Pier »

Author: RichardSouthey AlanPerryman

I am undertaking the task of modelling a typical Great Western branchline, while still keeping my main focus on Narrow Gauge railways.

The main focus of the project, is not creating a layout as such, but modelling the stock and scenery that could be described as ‘typical gwr’.

I have been aquiring drawings for many items, and have created a library which I am slowly working my way through.

I currently have access to the following drawings:

  • Various gwr buildings, including signal boxes and goods sheds etc.
  • gwr Railcar
  • 14xx Autotank
  • Auto coach to go with the above
  • Lots of gwr coaches
  • 43xx Castle class (not very ‘branchline’ ;) )


0–6−0PT 57xx Pannier Tank

57xx class Pannier tanks were in use all over the gwr network. Their low axle weight, but high power made then very useful on branchlines.

This is a fully skinned model, and the different liveries are simple repaints of the base model. I expect to have a gwr ‘Shirtbutton’ version ready very soon.


The Pannier includes working cab controls! See More On Driving Steam Engines


Download them here: http://rail3d.richsoftcomputing.co.uk/download.php?view.33

2–6−2T 4575 Small Prairie

These small Prairies are enlargements of the original 45xx Prairies fitted with sloping tanks. Being built around 1927–1929, these were the last class of the Small Prairies built.

These locos were perfect branchline locos, as they were powerful, yet lightweight.

4–6−0 78xx Manor

Although not really ‘branchline locos’, these Collett 4–6−0s were designed to be lightweight.

7800–7819 were built by the gwr in 1938/9, while 7820–7829 by br(W) in 1950.

It is currently borrowing the tender from Russell Darling’s excellent J36, but will eventually be paired with either a 3500 Gallon Collett tender, or with a larger 4000 gallon tender which Bradley Manor currently uses on the svr.

3500 Gallon Tender (ap)

Getting ready for use with the upcoming Manor, and any other large gwr engines that appear is a 3500 gallon tender. It’s a fairly complicated shape but I hope to have it ready for painting / lining by Richard soon!

gwr ‘Flying Banana’ Railcar (later design)

I started work on a later design railcar (the steamlined original versions are just too hard to do, even with strips! ;) ).

I have built up the main cab shape, and the body has a wip texture applied. The next job is to try and work out the cab roofs, as they curve in 3 directions!


Rolling Stock

Diagram E129 B-Set

Currently under construction is a B-Set, 2 non-gangway Brake Composites back to back. These were widely used on branchlines with moderate traffic. The coaches are to Diagram E129, and include correct pattern bowed ends.

Still a lot of detail to add, and the texturing needs work…

12 Ton Goods Fruit Van

To test out my ‘Strip Unwrapper’ tool I am currently programming, I have built a 12 ton Fruit Van.

These ventilated vans were originally used to transport fruit, but as the traffic declined they were used for general freight. Being vacuum braked these vans were allowed to used in passenger trains.

Download here: http://rail3d.richsoftcomputing.co.uk/download.php?view.31

13 Ton Mineral Wagon

A repaint of mrg’s 13 ton mineral wagon into a gwr livery.

Download here: http://rail3d.richsoftcomputing.co.uk/download.php?view.32

Macaw B Bogie Bolster Wagon

These wagons were used to carry loads such as rail and wood.

The model contains an empty version, timber and log loads.

Download here: http://rail3d.richsoftcomputing.co.uk/download.php?view.35



I am also constructing some buildings for the project along with Alan:

1902 Standard Buildings

Built in the early 20th century, these classic gwr buildings were found all over the network, and some still survive today. Shirley on the Stratford-upon-Avon is a good example, as it has been kept in gwr colours.


This model is based on drawings of the station building that was built at Lambourn, Berkshire by the gwr to replace an earlier building. The building had a flat roof, with the canopy also forming the roof.

The model is designed so that the different types of canopy/roofs can be added easily.

Download it here: http://rail3d.richsoftcomputing.co.uk/download.php?view.34

Type 27 Timber Signal Box

Based on drawings from of Dunster Signal Box on the West Somerset Railway, this box is now at Minehead as Dunster is no longer signalled.

It is of a standard design used thoughout the gwr system, and is easily converted into a Type 7, brick built, signal box by simply repainting the textures. Repainting and adding external stairs will also give more variety for minimum effort ;)

Type 7 Brick Signal Box

To the same design as the Type 27 box, this is the brick built version used all over the gwr system.

Goods Shed

Another building from Dunster on the wsr.

Not much to see yet, but eventually this shell will be turned into a stone built goods shed :)

gwr Platforms (ap)

I’ve added some platform ends to the set. I have diagrams for a country halt now so I should be able to get on with that shortly.



I started the project by creating a set of square post gwr lower quadrant signals. This set has since grown to include some tubular post signals, and is still expanding with specialised signals, such as calling-on signals in the works.


The set of signals should be available via the updater, and can be downloaded from my site: http://rail3d.richsoftcomputing.co.uk/download.php?view.21



-coming soon-


News from Alan


Generic Station. Originally intended to be gwr (so I’ve put the screenie here) though it looks more midland-ish. Richard has done some more work on it since this screenshot so watch this space.



gwr Platforms Released


Download them at http://www.steveperryman.ic24.net/dervnet2/GWRplat.zip



I’ve pulled out the section about the gwr branchline - this has been superceeded by my larger 1958–1960 based layout - news of which will be found on a seperate page soon! -ap


« ScottishECML | Projects | Southend Pier »

MRG 03/06/2013 12:28:27