Using the Rail3D Updater
The Rail3D updater is a utility that retrieves updates for the program and models from the Rail3D website.
To check for updates, open the Rail3D updater program:

Click the "Scan for Updates" button: the program checks your local Rail3D files, connects to the Rail3D website to get the latest file list and compares the two.
If the program finds files that need to be updated, it displays them in a list:

Click "Update Selected Files" and the updater will download the files from the Rail3D website and update your copy of Rail3D with the files.
Library Files
The Rail3D website also hosts the Rail3D library. The library contains Rail3D models, including train types, scenery objects, signal types, track types and OHLE (electrifcation) objects. You can download these items individually from the library, but the easiest way to keep your copy of Rail3D up-to-date is by using the updater.
Select the "Library Update" tab of the updater, and click "Scan for Updates". The updater connects to the Rail3D website library and checks the library for files that are new or udpated. The updater displays a list of files that you can download from the library:

Note the "Max number of files to fetch" box - this limits how many files are downloaded at a time. The first time you use the updater, there will be hundreds of files to download, you may want to enter a large number (Eg 3000) in this box so that the program fetches more files at one go.
MRG 27/06/2013 15:06:31