


Charnton Rd


Charnton Road is a fictituous layout designed to demonstrate the lever frame features of Rail3D. The layout includes four signal boxes, ranging in difficulty from easy to quite challenging.

You can download the layout package from the layouts page

The four signal boxes are (in order of complexity):

  • Marton: a simple two track station with six signals.
  • Benton: a branch terminus with single line operation and run rounds.
  • Charnton Rd: the branch junction, with mainline trains and some shunting.
  • Ducton Jct: the mainline junction of two major routes and with a four track mainline to the West.


Marton is a simple block post on a section of double track line. There are no points to operate.


For a detailed step by step description of operating Marton box, see Getting Started With Lever Frames


Adjacent boxes

  • Up: Charnton Rd
  • Dn: Ayford Jct

Train services

  • Class 2 trains stop at Marton
  • All other classes pass non-stop

Clearing points

  • The clearing point for up trains is the up starter, no 10
  • The clearing point for down trains is the down starter, no 3

Other notes

  • none



Adjacent boxes

  • Up: Settleton (via single line)
  • Dn: none

Train services

  • 2B01/2B02 Branch local train. Arrives (from Charnton Rd) as 2B01 and returns at xx:40 as 2B02. Can terminate in either platform, loco runs round via centre release road. Note that the shunt signal on the inner home signal (no’s 4/5) is worked by lever 6 and this is not shown on the diagram.
  • 2B80 Branch to main passenger train. Terminates in either platform and loco runs round via centre release road. Departs at xx:10.
  • 7BR1 Branch freight, runs to goods yard via crossover (No 9 lever).
  • 2D10 Branch dmu service, reverses in either platform.

Clearing points

  • The clearing point for down freight trains is No 18 signal.
  • The clearing point for down passenger trains is No 22 signal.

Other notes

  • As train originate here, they do not appear in the train register automatically. When you are ready to request Line Clear for a departing up train, click the “+” symbol on the train register to create a new line, select “up” and enter the train description.

Charnton Rd


Adjacent boxes

  • Up: Ducton Jct
  • Dn: Marton
  • Dn Branch: Settleton

Train services

  • Class 1 trains Class one trains run on the mainline and do not stop at Charnton Rd
  • 2B01/2B02 Branch passenger, runs to platform 3 and runs round via headshunt and loop. Departs as xx:10
  • 2B80 Branch to main passenger train. Up train (from branch) normally uses platform two, but can also use platform three, and proceeds up the main line. Dn train uses platform one and crosses to the branch.
  • 2D10 Branch to main dmu. Up train (from branch) normally uses platform two, but can also use platform three, and proceeds up the main line. Dn train uses platform one and crosses to the branch. Note that this train can sometimes appear from Marton on the up main.
  • Other class 2 trains Run on the main line and stop at Charnton Rd.
  • 7BR1 Branch freight, down train from Ducton Jct to branch. Up train from Branch can be crossed to up main directly if the line is clear - or if the mainline is busy and it is necessary to hold the train can be routed by platform three or the loop line to the goods loop and held (number 16 signal) until a suitable gap in traffic. (see below)
  • Other class 7 trains (also works train) Freight trains on the mainline. Normally do not stop at Charnton Rd, but if traffic is busy, it is sometimes necessary to put a freight into a siding to allow an express to overtake.

Clearing points

  • The clearing point for up trains from Marton is number 3 signal. Ie to accept a train from Marton the line must be clear to number 3 signal, points 23 and 29 must be set for the mainline and no other train is allowed to cross from main to branch via number 24 crossover. Once a train is accepted, these conditions must be maintained until the train has passed, or has come to a stand at (no 2) signal.
  • The clearing point for up trains from Settleton is no 3 signal for trains routed to platform 2, number 11 signal for trains to platform 3 and no 12 for trains routed to the loop. As above, points must be set (and locked) until the train has passed or has been brought to a stand at number 8/9 signal.
  • The clearing point for down trains is number 44 crossover.

Other notes

  • As train 2B01 originates here, it does not appear in the train register automatically. When you are ready to request Line Clear for a departing branch train, click the “+” symbol on the train register to create a new line, select “dn” and enter the train description.
  • If it is necessary to sideline a freight train, and with regard to maintaining clearing points, the following procedures may be followed:
    • Down trains: Clear number 66 but maintain start 63/64 at danger. Once freight train is stopped at number 63/64 and number 66 restored to danger, reverse number 44, clear 14 and instruct freight to reverse into siding. This is done by right-clicking the relevant line of the train register and selecting “Instruct train to reverse” nb, If the freight is a long way it will need to be pulled up to the advanced starter (no 62) before it clears the crossover and can be reversed into the siding.
    • Up trains. Procedure is similar, but options include instructing a freight to reverse via no 23 on to the branch, or by pulling up to no 4 signal, then reversing via no 41 crossover to the loop line.

Ducton Jct


Adjacent boxes

  • Up: St Peters: Fast and Slow line
  • Dn Main: Charnton Rd
  • Dn Loop: Seabrook

Train services

  • Class 1 trains Class one trains run on the mainline and do not stop at Ducton Jct.
    • Up: class 1 trains should be routed on the fast lines
    • Down: train 1G73 should be routed via the main and 1G80 the loop line.
  • Class 2 trains Stop at Ducton Jct.
    • Up: Trains 2G73 and 2B80 should run on the fast lines, other class 2 trains take the slow lines
    • Dn: Trains 2B80, 2G73, 2C21 and 2D10 take the mainline to Charnton Rd. Train 2C22 goes down the loop line.
  • Class 7 trains (also works train) Freight trains
    • Up: Class 7 trains run on the slow lines
    • Dn: Train 7BR1 always runs on the main line to Charnton Rd. Other freights may run on either route.

Clearing points

  • The clearing point for accepting up trains is the starting signals, No’s 35 or 41
  • The clearing point for accepting down trains is the starting signals, No’s 4 or 10

Other notes

  • none

See Also


MRG 14/02/2014 12:08:30