


More Notes On Lever Frames

Some bits and pieces that didn’t find a home elsewhere:

  • Sometimes you want to send an ilc? request for a train that does not yet appear in the register. For example a train originating at your station. When you are ready to request Line Clear for such a train, click the “+” symbol on the train register to create a new line, select “up” or “dn” and enter the train description. You can then highlight the line and request line clear as usual
  • If you need to shunt a train (eg to put a freight in a siding to allow an express to pass), stop the train at a signal, and you can then instruct the train to reverse by right-clicking it in the register and selecting “Instruct train to revese”.
  • In emergency you may need to instruct a train to pass a signal at danger: you can do this by right-clicking the train in the register.
  • The normal position for points corresponds to the default route for the point

See also
