


Wiki Editing Guide

 Updating the wiki

Having moved the wiki contents from Mark Hodson's server (thanks Mark) to the Rail3D site, there are a number of things that need checking/updating:

  • Delete old and obsolete pages
  • Clean up any remaining vandalism
  • Move / restructure some areas
    • Glossary section - move to documentation / Glossary
    • DX9 - remove section, relocate some material to version history
    • V106 - remove section, some material to go in version history
    • Projects - restructure into projects/layouts projects/stock etc
    • Tutorials.  Getting started to be part of Documentation/reference.  Other items to be in new "How to .." section
  • Update screenshots etc to Rail3D Build 108 standard
  • Correct spelling and grammar errors (you're free to do so in any content by MRG, but might be polite to check with other authors)
  • Add links between pages, eg between pages in the wiki and the relevent documentation section
  • The Wiki is for user contributed content, notes, how to guides, project updates etc
  • Reference material should go into the documentation section.  There are some pages in the user wiki that should be moved into the documentation section.  The page at [/docs/docs] shows the intended structure of the documentation section (and how much is missing!)
  • Use the sandbox to learn how to edit pages, moves pages between sections etc.

To Edit the Wiki

To edit the wiki, you need a logon

  • Please go to /register.aspx to create a logon.
  • When you have created a logon, please contact mark@rail3d.net  to be enabled as an editOR  (it would be helpful if you say what you want to add/edit on the wiki)

Sorry about this, but we've had so much problems with malicious defacing of the wiki in the past.

Other guidelines

  • Don't change fonts / colours : the styles will be revised and everything should update then
  • Remove blank lines
  • replace all the "Rail3 D" links with just Rail3D
  • Keep an eye out for incorrectly copied characters (e.g. ampersands becoming &)

Special Wiki Codes




[[page|display text]] 



Wiki home


Table of contents



 [ @ sidebar content @ ]

No space between [ and @ or @ and ]




The Sandbox is a sample wiki page.  Feel free to use the sandbox to test the wiki and try out editing.

You can change anything on the sandbox page.

MRG 07/02/2015 08:44:35