Auto Level- Crossing
My reasoning for creating this script was that I find creating levels crossings a bit tedious to create - there are lots of steps to be performed and if you don’t get them right it does not work properly. At the moment I can’t achieve full automation but the beginnings are there…
This first experimental script creates a crossing on a single track line, where the road crosses at exactly 90º to the railway.
First of all setup the variables:
debug.printL("Level Crossing");
node mNode=Document.GetCurrentNode();
float x1=mNode.GetX();
float y1=mNode.GetY();
float z=mNode.GetZ();
float theta=mNode.GetAlpha();
float lclen=15.0;
float radians=3.1417/180; //ta mh!
We need the (x,y,z) coordinate of the node of the initial node (the current end of the railway), and the direction (angle).
is the length the track will be extended as part of the level crossing. I’ve also got a static radians conversion as rail3d uses radians. This will come in handy later.
Next, I must calculate the position of the next node of the railway:
//calc x, cos angle = adj/hyp
debug.printL("Trig Time");
float x2=lclen*sin(theta);
float y2=lclen*cos(theta);
Note that z is the same for both nodes as a level crossing is by nature level.
Next I must calculate what angle 90º will be in the context of the railway. I could take an input here, which is why I have specified @roaddeg@
as roaddeg not nintydeg. The script is designed to allow for variable angle crossings at a later date.
90º is converted to radians.
We now need to involve theta:
The angle of the road from vertical is calculated by pi - (pi/2 - theta).
Edit- I believe my logic to be 180 - (90 - theta) which produces the large angle required from the vertical
//90 deg for starters
float roaddeg=90.0;
float roadrad=roaddeg*radians;
float invroadrad=3.1417-(roadrad-theta);
if(invroadrad < 0)
invroadrad = invroadrad * -1;
An if block is used to compensate for problems that would occur if we gave the script a variable angle to deal with.
Now I’ve got the angle of the between the road and railway, I can start to build the road links:
//length of lc is 15m, each road = 4m wide, thus intersection of road is 5.5m from
//original node
float roadisec=5.5;
debug.printL("Trig Time - find 1st road intersection");
float xa=roadisec*sin(theta);
float ya=roadisec*cos(theta);
debug.printL("Road start");
float roadlen=10.0;
float xb=roadlen*sin(invroadrad);
float yb=roadlen*cos(invroadrad);
float rx1=xa-xb;
float ry1=ya-yb;
float rx2=xb+xa;
float ry2=yb+ya;
In the above I calculate or define:
- the position of the intersection between road and railway (this is 5.5m into the 15m stretch of railway)
- create a “logical” node at the intersection
- from this logical node, I calculate the position of the nodes at either end of the strip of road, using a road length of 10m
Note again z is static.
What happens next?
I need to set the track spacing of the road to 4.0m and create another link adjacent to the road, as roads are usually “two track”.
I would also need to set the cutting widths of all the links I have created above.
Lastly, the actual level crossing gates need to be fixed to the appropriate node.
I would ideally like to further this script so that one can click a node, then click Run Script -→ Create lc and no user intervention is required, aside perhaps the input of a value of the angle of intersection.
Alan Perryman, January 2007