




Some pages on this site are available in translation:  where this is case, you will find a flag icon on the page - click the flag to switch to the translated version of the page.

Help with translating pages is most welcome, if you are able to help with translating:

  • Please create a site logon for yourself.
  • Please contact mark@rail3d.net 

Translation notes

To create a translated page:

  • Contact Mark@Rail3D.net to agree what pages you are going to translate
  • Mark will setup the language specific version of the page or pages for you:  initially the page will contain the english text (copied from the english page) together with screenshots and links
  • You will then be able to edit the page, changing the english text into the language in question.



Screenshots may be changed if appropriate, but should show a similar view to the source page.  Generally it will be best to leave the screenshots as they are.

Link URLs should not be changed: this is so that the structure of pages is consisitent, and links to other pages will show the existing english page until a translation is available.  You may change the link text to the appropriate language.  For example, the english version of the documentation page has a link to the reference page: [[reference/reference]], on the italian version of the page, the link is the same (reference/reference) but different display text "Riferimento" is specified:  [[reference/reference|Riferimento]].  Note that you do not need to specify the language in the link, the site code takes care of this for you.

MRG 27/06/2013 10:25:10