


Version 110

Rail3D  December 2015

Build 110 is a minor release containing a number of bug fxes and some minor enhancements and new features.

 Release Date:  24.12.15

Changes in Build 110


Other Fixes

  • Fixed bug where "Steam in Tunnel" incorrectly set on track
  • Fixed bug where "Rack" flag incorrectly set
  • Fixed bug where Speed limit set in track options not interpreted as metric
  • Marker positions saved with file
  • Improved (faster) XML reader  (XML files must now be UTF8/UTF16)
  • Program now allows drop of XML and TRKD files.
  • Fixed turntable rendering
  • Terrain export includes terrain texture info / XML terrain import can include terrain texture


MRG 24/12/2015 09:20:13