


Overall Livery

Some classes of locomotives have one or more members of the class in specific livereies (often advertising).


Previously, this could only be achieved in Rail3D by modelling each locomotive seperately: a potentially timeconsuming and wasteful process.

From Rail3D version 108.0.2, overall liveries are now supported in the program.

To setup a class with overall liveries

Overall liveries are achieved by using a skin template including "%n"

For example the header of the Ge4/4iii model defines the number range as 641 - 652 and the skin template as rhb_ge443_%n.tga :

Number 641-652 %3d 
Skin "rhb_ge443_%n.tga"

To find the skin to use for each loco, Rail3D replaces the "%n" in the skin texture name with the loco number, thus:

  • rhb_ge443_641.tga
  • rhb_ge443_642.tga
  • rhb_ge443_643.tga
  • etc

So, in the stock folder, we can provide inidivudal textures, and the appropriate livery is selected according to the number of the loco.


  • If you don't know provide a texture for a specific number, the template texture (with %n) is used.  So if only a few class members carry special liveries, you would make the base %n texture the standard livery and this will then be used on the majority of the class, you can then provide the special liveries for the classes that require it.
  • You must provide a template (%n) texture, even if it is not used because all the class have special liveries: the loading and selection process will not work without the template texture.

MRG 10/09/2013 21:01:43