


Train Source

Train Source

A Train Source is a feature that creates new trains.

When added to a track node, a train source feature can be set to generate new trains according to a defined schedule (with some element of pseudo-random operation).


The options for the Source are set in the text box (and may be pasted from another text window if required).

Enter one or more lines of text in the following format:

Time /tab Route /tab Formation [ Percent% ] [ Speed kph/mph] [+lateness]

it is not possible to enter a tab in the box with the keys - a tab can be pasted in. Alternately, enter \t in the box for a tab character.

See example below.

Time: Required. Enter the time that the source should produce the train defined on the line, format is similar to timetable format, eg 10:34 to define a train at 10:34 , *:40 to define a train at 40 minutes past every hour, *:* to define a train every minute.

Route: Required. Enter the route for the new train

Formation: Required. Enter the formation for the new train, eg “!101DMBSBG+101TSLBG+101DMSLBG”. Ie the names of the stock items required in the formation, with “!” to place the item reversed. You can copy the formation from an existing train in the layout by selecting the train and clicking “Copy” in the “Edit” menu.

Percent: Optional. The percentage probability of the train being produced. Thus a combination of *:40 and 25% will produce a train at 40 minutes past the hour, once every four hours on average. A combination of *:* and 25% will produce (on average) 15 trains per hour.

Speed: Optional. Can specify an initial speed of the train when launched, add “kph” or “mph” to specify units.

Lateness: Optional. Add a lateness figure in minutes, eg +30. The specified train may be delayed (randomly) by up to the specified number of minutes. This can be used to introduce random delays into the layout.

A source produces a train travelling in the specified direction. If the track link is occupied, the new train will not be produced until the link is clear.

For best results, place a signal on the next node - this will ensure the correct introduction of trains into traffic:



*:05	test	37/B
*:*	Pass	47/0B+Mk2bBFKBG+Mk2bTSOBG+Mk2bTSOBG+Mk2bFKBG+Mk2bFKBG+Mk2bTSOBG+Mk2bTSOBG+!Mk2bBSOBG	10%	70mph	+20
*:*	Local	!117DMBSB+117DMSOB	25%	50mph

this produces:

  • at 5 minutes past each hour: A single class 37 with route “test”
  • on the hour: A three car dmu with route “dmu
  • at any minute (probability 1 in 10): a class 47 with 8 coaches with initial speed 70mph - this train might be delayed up to 20 minutes
  • at any minute (probability 1 in 4): a 3 car dmu, initial speed 50mph
  • at 20 past the hour: A three car dmu with route “dmu
  • at 20 to the hour: A three car dmu with route “dmu



MRG 06/06/2013 10:09:15