Spot Log Processing
When you enter a number in the Notepad and press the "ADD" or "ADD (p)" button the number entered is added to the Note Pad list and a background processing function is started to match the entered numbers with the numbers in the datasets (book).
Processing is a background task and you can continue to enter numbers while processing takes place.
Each number is checked and processed as follows:
- If the number entered includes a UIC check digit (ie the number ends with -<digit>) (eg "180 006-9"), then the digit is checked. If the check digit entered is incorrect, the number is flagged as incorrect and shown red in the list. You should edit the number to correct the error. No further processing of this number takes place
- The database of numbers in the applications "book" is queried for numbers that match the entereed number:
- SpotLog check the main number in the dataset, the "Alternative number" if that is in the dataset, and the individual car numbers if a formation is entered in the dataset
- If you enter a railway code in the "Rly" box of the notepad and tick the "Rly" checkbox: SpotLog only checks the number for the spcified railway. This allows you to distinguish between numbers that exist in more than one railway. For example the number "51" could apply to an MGB Deh 4/4ii or to an RhB Abe 4/4iii You can set the Rly code to "MGB" to "RhB" to tell the application which of these you mean (otherwise see below on dis-ambiguation)
- As of version 2.07, you can disable a company from matching, so if "Do not match" is set for a company, SpotLog will not match numbers in that company. So in the above example, if the company "RhB" is set to "Do not match", and "51" is entered, only the "MGB" example will be matched.
- SpotLog recognises individual car numbers if these are entered in the databook. For example, entering "39082" will be recognised as one of the vehicles of the set 395008
- Once the matching process is complete, SpotLog handles the number according to the results of the matching process:
- If there is one match and only one match, SpotLog takes that as train identified, the number is moved out of the NotePad list and added to the Log list, together with the time and data, location if entered and ticked, and any note entered. The record of the loco in the book will be ticked as "seen".
- If no match is found, the number is left in the NotePad list. If you later download a new dataset, or update a dataset, you can try to re-process the number. You can also delete the number from the NotePad list or edit it.
- If more than one match is found (eg the "51" example above), SpotLog highlights the number in the NotePad list in yellow, and does not process the number any further. You can tap and hold the number in the NotePad list to see a list of possible matches and select the correct match.
MRG 11/06/2014 16:04:22