SpotLog v 3.12 introduces the ability to sync data with the SpotLog server.
What Sync does
When using the sync function, the SpotLog app copies data to the SpotLog server, and downloads any new data from the server. This means you have a copy of the data on the server and the copy can be sync'd to the app, to another copy of the app on another device, or to the SpotLog HTML apps on a PC or iPad.
The first time you sync a device, a full data transfer has to take place, and this takes some time (the size of the data transfer is the same size as the backup.xml file produced when you use the SpotLog backup function). Once setup, the sync process only transfers changes to data, and will be quick and transfer minumum data.
How to Setup Sync
To enable the sync you need a synckey. (see below)
In SpotLog app settings
- Tap the settings item "Sync Server Key" and enter your SyncKey
- Tick "Backup to Sync Server"
Once you have setup the sync key (as above)
- Select "Sync Data" from the apps "Data" sub-menu
- The first time you sync, the initial upload will take longer to process
After the intial sync, to sync any changes, simple use the "Sync Data" menu option and the changes will be quickly syncd to and from the server.
Syncing a second device
- Set the SyncKey in the app on the second device as above (using the same SyncKey)
- Sync the new app using "Sync Data" from the app's "Data" sub-menu
The initial sync will be significantly longer as the app donwloads and incorporates all the data.
After the intial sync, to sync any changes, simple use the "Sync Data" menu option and the changes will be quickly syncd to and from the server.
Once multiple apps are setup with the same SyncKey:
- Changes (eg edits), or new data (eg new records) on each app is sent to the server when you sync.
- Changes from the other app, are syncd down to the app from the server when you sync.
Thus new sightings on one app will be replicated to the other app when you sync the apps.
What is Syncd
Syncd data includes
- Records (both in the notepad and the log)
- Loco's marked as "Seen"
- Location data
- Edits to records (eg changes to notes, dates, photo, haul flags etc)
- Deletions from records
Not syncd:
- Changes to Book data (datasets) - these still need to be downloaded as usual on both devices.
How to get a SyncKey
- There is a small charge for SyncKeys. This is because of the load on the server to hold and synchronise data sets for multiple users: sooner or later I will need to pay for more server capacity, and the charge is intended to cover this additional cost.
- SyncKeys will be free for those who contribute to the SpotLog data sets and the beta testing process. (please contact
- Please read the section below on sync data security and privacy - you need to confirm you have read and understood these conditions.
- You can get a sync key here
The sync process
The sync process is as follows
- The app contacts the server with its synckey
- The server verifies the key and confirms to the app if the key is recognised and the server is willing to accept the sync
- Assuming the server accepts the key. The app uploads any data changes since the last sync to the server.
- The server incorporates the uploaded changes with the data it holds
- The app requests any data changes since the last sync from the server
- The server downloads the requested changes to the app
- The app incorporates the changes into the data held.
Data security and privacy
Data syncd between the app and the server is not encrypted or secured on the server.
While your data is not published, it would not be hard for someone who could guess (or otherwise discover) your SyncKey to access your data on the server. Because the data is not encrypted, an interceptor, eg someone eavesdropping on public wi-fi, can access your synckey and therefore you spotlog data.
Since the data is simply historical records of trains seen, it is not particularly sensitive, although please note it does include data of when and where you have been spotting, it may also include in your location data personal locations (eg "My Home"). Anything you write in the notes fields will also be included in the syncd data.
Therefore, if you are concerned about the privacy of your data, particularly times, places and notes, you should not use the sync service.
Note it would be possible to secure the syncdata, but this would involve further cost, and therefore has not been implemented at this time.
MRG 22/04/2017 11:11:13